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diffusing source中文是什么意思

用"diffusing source"造句"diffusing source"怎么读"diffusing source" in a sentence


  • 漫射能源
  • 漫射源
  • 散射源


  • Gis - based dynamic risk assessment for groundwater nitrate pollution from agricultural diffuse sources
  • It is especially useful for measuring measure weak , scattering and diffuse sources with the highest possible sensitivity
  • Mms - based instruments are ideal for measuring weak , scattering and diffuse sources and samples because the spectrometer can collect and process far more light through its wide area aperture , without affecting spectral resolution
  • These disks are used to create a diffuse source that is optimal for coupling into fibers and attenuating the overall signal when spectrometer saturation is an issue and other attenuation methods ( such as adjusting spectrometer integration times ) are impractical or undesirable
用"diffusing source"造句  
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